Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living

Location: Oregon

The Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living (AOCIL) is an Oregon statewide association representing a network of 7 accredited Centers for Independent Living (CILs).

The Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living’s (AOCIL) mission is to lead the consumer driven Independent Living Movement by supporting Centers of Independent Living, engaging in systems advocacy, community education, and the development of collaborative partnerships.
AOCIL values the basic human rights of dignity, equality, inclusion and independence for all people with disabilities.

Oregon CILs are community based, consumer directed, not for profit organizations. Independent Living Centers are nonresidential organizations serving individuals of any age with any disabilities in Oregon. Unique in the world of human services, CILs are governed and operated by board and staff composed of a majority of people with disabilities. All CILs provide four core services, which include:

  • Information and Referral – one-stop shopping for information related to disability or services for individuals with disabilities, families, employers, and the community.
  • Peer Support – staff and trained volunteers provide support, encouragement and guidance for individuals with disabilities.
  • Independent Living Skills Training – assessment and training to people with disabilities in areas such as money management, housekeeping, communication, self-advocacy, prevocational skills and socialization.
  • Individual and Systems Advocacy – consistent with the philosophy of independent living, individuals with disabilities are taught to advocate for themselves. In addition, CILs can engage in activities designed to affect positive change in local, state, and federal systems affecting individuals with disabilities.
  • Life Transition Assistance – related to youth leaving secondary education, or individuals transitioning to or remaining in the least restrictive living environment.